The Design Thinkers Lab has an unconventional approach to learning. There are no teachers. We put each student in charge of their learning and progress. But we do offer students all the support they need by ensuring that there are mentors standing ready to help.


What Being a Mentor Will Involve?

Each of our students will have a mentor whose main role is to offer informal motivation, support, and advice. Mentors will help students to navigate the programme, set and achieve goals, to reflect, analyse and gain insight and understanding of how they are progressing.

The mentor will be a role model, counsellor, advisor, sponsor, advocate, and ally. The students will be trained by coaches who are experts in their fields and they will also be supported by full-time facilitators. So, mentors are not expected to be skills development resources for their mentees.

We expect our mentors to spend an hour or two every week in discussion with the mentee student. (There is no fixed regulated time and the time may vary each week.) Most contact will be online. We will clarify the rules and expectations, but we expect each mentor and mentee to develop a positive relationship of trust and respect.

Mentors may be asked to provide some feedback on the progress that their mentee is making and to alert the programme office to any need for additional or special support, such as psychosocial support or specialised coaching. Mentors will be asked to participate in an induction and training programme before they are allocated a mentee.

Will Mentors Be Paid

The mentoring role is not a paid position. It is a voluntary service provided by adults motivated to make a positive contribution to the growth of a young person. Mentors may well be given an honorarium to acknowledge their contributions, but mentors should not have any expectation of financial compensation for their efforts, as valuable as these will be.

Who Can Be A Mentor?

We are inviting applications from people of good standing, who are currently employed in industry, who have some corporate and management experience and good insight into the way the world of work operates. Mentors should be enthusiastic, patient, empathetic people with good communications and people skills, with the ability to inspire, and to give honest and constructive feedback and encouragement.

We are especially seeking mentors who are involved in digital, innovation, product development teams or other teams that use design thinking to enable cross-functional groups to solve complex corporate challenges.



If you would like to join our incredible team of mentors, please contact us, and we will talk you through the process and answer any of your questions.